
Bitesize – Brain Fog

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Welcome to a new series called Bitesize. Bitesize will run alongside the Hypnotherapy with McCullagh Therapy series.

In Bitesize, I will serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In today’s episode, I am discussing Brain fog and some possible ways of managing this issue.

Brain fog is something most people have experienced at one point or another, and with all the stress of the economy, personal finances, cost of living, and the natural disasters we’ve had this year, it’s worse than ever.

Brain fog is real. It causes poor memory, confusion, and the inability to focus and think clearly. It can make you feel groggy and listless. Right now, it’s rampant, and understanding what’s causing it will go a long way to improving it:

  • Stress– Chronic stress can cause mental fatigue, and that in turn can cause brain fog. When your brain gets tired because it’s been coping with stressful situations over an extended period, it can be harder to focus, think clearly, and concentrate. It can also cause fatigue.
  • Diet– Your diet plays a key role in your brain fitness. If you’re not getting the right nutrients, you’re not assimilating your food well, or you’re eating foods that your body is sensitive or allergic to, brain fog is often the result.
  • Poor sleep– if you’re not getting great sleep at night your brain is not able to clear out the day’s “junk” and reset itself. Sleeping too little or not getting good quality sleep can be a major cause of brain fog. You also need the right balance of light sleep, REM, and deep sleep.
  • Smoking– Some people think that smoking helps them focus, but science proves otherwise. Smokers are more likely to have brain fog because smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to your brain.
  • Prescription drugs– some meds can cause brain fog. Check with your doctor to see if there are any alternatives if that is happening for you.
  • Medical causes – If you are in good health, taking care of yourself and still have brain fog, you should consult your doctor to see if there are any underlying causes.

Help is here. There are easy, natural, healthy solutions:

  • Reduce Stress. When we’re stressed a lot of the time, our brains don’t have a chance to reboot.  Reducing our stress is a HUGE key to reducing brain fog.  Deep breathing, relaxation exercises, meditation, and self-hypnosis all help reduce stress. Meditation and self-hypnosis have been proven to decrease blood pressure and reduce stress greatly.
  • Get Moving. Exercise produces huge benefits to your brain, which in turn can improve sleep quality, and your memory, and reduce anxiety and stress — all of which eliminate brain fog.
  • Get Healthy. If you’re a smoker, reduce or eliminate the smoking habit.  If you have a poor diet or you’re eating large amounts of sugar, take steps to improve your diet.  Taking Vitamin B-12 has also been shown to promote healthy brain function.  Try to avoid or reduce sugar, MSG, aspartame, dairy and grains.
  • Get Better Sleep. To get a good night’s sleep, don’t eat too late in the evening (leaving a 3-hour window is good), get some exercise during the day, and go to bed at a reasonable hour.  Doing self-hypnosis regularly can also give you a deep, restful sleep which will lower your anxiety and stress – which normally reduces brain fog.

Take steps to eliminate the causes of brain fog and you will soon have more clarity and focus.


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