
The use of modalities (senses) in Hypnotherapy

Hi and welcome to another episode delving into the world of Hypnotherapy. Today I am discussing modalities (your senses) and how they underpin and help in the process of providing therapy to our clients. So why not join me on this episode and hopefully you learn something new?

Which is your strongest sense? Do you most easily imagine images? Or sounds? Perhaps sensations or emotions? This podcast will explore some of the many influences that our sensory modality preferences have on hypnosis. We start by considering what those sensory modalities are, and then how to assess them, before covering some ways in which knowing a client’s sensory modality preference will help you be even more effective as a hypnotist.

The term ‘client’ will be used throughout this podcast, rather than ‘client/participant/subject/volunteer’ and so forth.

However, sensory preferences influence a diverse range of applications in hypnotherapy.

Commonly the ‘primary’ senses are considered to be visual (see), auditory (hear) and kinaesthetic (sensations, emotions, touch), with the ‘secondary’ senses being olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste). Whilst the majority of people will be one or more of visual, auditory or kinaesthetic, some individuals may be much more attuned to either smell or taste and you may find these people take up career paths that make use of this. So, for example, a career in perfume testing might be much more appropriate than a sewage worker role for someone with a sensitive sense of smell.

Rarely, someone will just have access to just one of their senses, although they may be particularly strongly focused on one sense, with others being much less ‘important’. Other people’s sensory preferences may be evenly distributed amongst two or three of the primary sensory modalities.


There are many ways in which to assess an individual’s sensory preferences, including conversationally, with quizzes and with suggestibility tests. In conversation, a client’s language will often give clues to their preferences.

How many sensory-based words can you hear for each of the examples I state?

Visual: It is like I can see myself looking wonderful when I just tone up a bit. I am more aware of noticing the healthy foods when I go shopping and watch out for different coloured fruit and veg as well. I take a peek into the fridge at work and can see how short-sighted some people are about their food choices.

AuditoryWhenever I am in an argument with my partner, I can’t help but listen to the harsh tone in her voice. Sometimes it can only take one remark, or mention the wrong thing, and she is as clear as a bell as she describes in detail what I have done wrong; she couldn’t be more outspoken. I do try to tune her out, but I still seem to get an earful.

Kinaesthetic: When it boils down to it, I am rather an emotional person. I do try to take a firm grip of my emotions, but sometimes the pressure builds until they overflow. Sometimes, simply allowing myself to relax, and let go of tension helps me grasp a stronger sense of control and it certainly seems that stress goes hand-in-hand with feeling things more sensitively.

Olfactory: I was with one of my new colleagues last week in their car and what a journey! Their air freshener was so strong, it was beyond pungent. I wondered what stink it was that they were trying to cover up, as there was a very odd odour, even with the window open. The scent, which apparently was meant to be ‘apple fresh’ was so strong that even when we went past a rubbish truck filled with smelly rubbish (not a mere whiff), it simply went over the top of that scent as though it wasn’t there.

Gustatory: The new flavoursome healthy eating programme is a great way of exploring new tastes and testing flavours. Most of the time it results in tangy and fresh meals and nibbles that I can savour, although occasionally there is a hint or a tinge of something less palatable or a bit of an aftertaste after just one bite, which could be me being too generous with the seasoning. Overall, though, I am relishing the experience.

In whatever context you are interacting with someone (e.g., at work, in your family time, talking with a hypnotherapy client), conversationally assessing someone’s sensory preferences comes with practice. The more often you pay attention, the easier it will be eventually to automatically notice. You can also deliberately move the conversation towards a covert assessment tool, such as ‘the holiday’. Here you simply ask the person to describe their ideal holiday if they had unlimited time and resources. You can then listen to whether they talk about the sights and scenery (e.g., the calm ocean and bright blue sky), the sounds (such as the gentle lapping of waves against the shore), or even the sensations and emotions present when walking along the soft sandy beach with the cool ocean water lapping over their bare feet.

In a more formal setting, such as a hypnotherapy session, you may choose to use a quiz to help you identify the client’s sensory preferences. Hypnotic suggestibility testing is another popular route for assessing sensory preferences, whether as the primary intention of the suggestibility test or as a beneficial secondary bonus. A really simple visualisation test is ‘the boat’. Here you simply ask the client to close their eyes and imagine a boat on the ocean. Then tell them to open their eyes and ask them about their experience. This can help you find out whether they are visual (e.g., see boat), auditory (e.g., hearing waves lapping), kinaesthetic (e.g., the bobbing on the boat on the waves), olfactory (e.g., the smell of the ocean or wood on the boat), or gustatory (e.g., the taste of the salty air). You can also find out if they are dissociated (in other words seeing the ship from outside) or associated (being on the ship). 

A more detailed version of the boat is the lemon suggestibility test. Here you give suggestions for entering a kitchen, selecting a lemon, and then cutting the lemon and swallowing some lemon juice (which tends to make the mouth water in reality). The lemon suggestibility test is particularly useful as you can assess the client’s experience of each of the senses. There are other benefits as well. By discussing the client’s experience, you can build rapport, give the client a collaborative experience before hypnosis, consider any potential resistance and assess their ability to engage with suggestions.

With some suggestibility tests, there are observable indications, such as the hands moving together for the magnetic hands’ suggestibility test. Other suggestibility tests (e.g., the lemon), are internal and you will explore the client’s subjective experiences. Not all hypnotherapists are familiar with the use of suggestibility tests, although they are well worth exploring, as the information they provide can considerably influence the effectiveness of your work and suggestibility training can make great CPD as well.

Hypnotherapy applications for modalities

An awareness of someone’s sensory preference can enhance your communication effectiveness in many areas of your life, whether in your leisure life (e.g., better understanding with friends and family), or your work life. For example, understanding modalities can help you to target a sales pitch (such as selling your hypnotherapy services to a prospective client) far more effectively, and can help avoid sensory mismatching. Firstly, it’s important to become aware of your own sensory preferences and how you naturally talk about your product or service. Then assess the modality preference of the person you are talking with. Notice if their preference is different to yours and change your language to match their sensory preferences. This makes it easier for them to understand and connect to your message. For example,

Visual: I would like you to take a good look at our new device. You will be able to notice how the new design and colour give it a more pleasing appearance.

Auditory: I would like to tell you a little about our new device. This model is now whisper quiet and you can barely hear the soft hum it makes even when running at max capacity.

Kinaesthetic: Let me give you one of our new devices so you can get a feel for it. You can notice how light it now is, with a much smoother surface and yet it has dimpled grips in just the right places so that you can securely hold it.

Generally, an awareness of your modality preferences and your recipient’s will enable you to more easily persuade and influence as well as generate and maintain rapport. With hypnosis, being able to rapidly build rapport is essential, yet sensory preference awareness can influence every aspect of your interaction with that individual.

Within hypnotherapy settings, an understanding of sensory preferences (yours and theirs) can positively influence most aspects of a therapy session. During the consultation, it can help to build rapport and create a greater sense of collaboration and understanding. It can also help with the selection of appropriate hypnotherapeutic methods (inductions and deepeners) and therapy techniques. For example, if you have a highly kinaesthetic client, you might do better to use a physical induction, such as the magnetic hand’s induction, whereas if they are more visual an eye fixation induction may be better received. You may be more selective in your hypnotherapy approaches. However, it is important to offer a balanced range of sensory suggestions, as the client will also be receptive to other types of suggestion, not just their main modality preference. Finally, a sensory awareness can carry through beyond the therapy session itself into your selection and framing of homework tasks and activities, helping a client to better engage with post-session tasks.


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“Ever Mindful” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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