• Ailments/Issues,  Hypnotherapy,  Therapy

    Misophonia – what is it?

    Hi, and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and bite-size. In this episode, I will discuss Misophonia, what it is, and possible help and support to manage this condition. HYPNOSIS: AN EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR MISOPHONIA, THE FEAR OF SOUNDS. Misophonia, often referred to as the fear of sounds, is a relatively lesser-known condition that affects a significant number of individuals worldwide. This article aims to shed light on what misophonia is, how it impacts people’s lives, and the potential of hypnosis as a valuable treatment option. Understanding Misophonia and Its Impact: Misophonia is a neurologically based disorder characterised by an intense emotional and physiological response to…

  • Ailments/Issues,  Therapy

    Types of therapy for ADHD

    Hi and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and welcome to bitesize. Where I will serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In this episode, I will be discussing some of the possible therapies for people with ADHD. Medication is typically one of the go-to approaches for adults and children dealing with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. However, for those who want extra support or don’t want to take medication, ADHD therapies can help manage their condition.   Whether you’re looking for concrete steps to take and skills to learn or more insight-oriented therapy to learn how some of your habits affect your life and relationships, there…

  • Ailments/Issues,  Therapy

    ADHD Burnout

    Hi and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and welcome to bitesize. Where I will serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In this episode, we will be continuing our mini-series about ADHD and the burnout it can cause the people with ADHD. ADHD is exhausting. For the individual, the partner, the parent, colleague, teacher, child etc… … but mostly for the individual.   To understand why, it’s important to return to the basics. A diagnosis of ADHD suggests that a bunch of things may be difficult. If you read through the list carefully, you’ll notice that they all relate to each other: The…

  • Ailments/Issues,  Hypnotherapy,  Therapy

    Anxiety of those three little words “How are you?”

    Hi and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and welcome to bitesize. Where I will serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In this episode, I will be looking at those three little words that can either help or cause so much trouble “How are you”? Pain and The Anxiety of Those 3 Little Words: “How Are You?”   Reminder: You are a human being. So, whether you’re experiencing overwhelming grief, fear or pain,  a well-meaning “How are you?” can seem like the dumbest—or at least the most awkward—question you’ve ever heard. The truthful answer could be anything, but just coming up with that…

  • Therapy

    5 ways to reteach your self-love

    Hi and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and welcome to bitesize. Where I will serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In this episode, I will explore 5 ways to reteach your self-love.   While we could be loving someone and something without second thoughts, have we ever asked ourselves – do I love myself enough? Self-love is important for mental health and well-being and while there are many definitions to it, the basis is the same. Accepting who you are, being comfortable in your skin, and engaging in activities that make you happy & content. But if you are someone (or know…

  • Ailments/Issues,  Hypnotherapy,  Therapy

    Building body confidence

    Hi, We’re Going to Talk About Body Confidence today here with me Darryl on this Bitesize episode at McCullagh Therapy. We’ve All Been There. We’ve Looked in The Mirror and Not Liked the Person Staring Back at Us. While This Can Be Mental as Well, It Is Often Physical. Maybe We Don’t Like That Bit of Pudge Around Our Waist or The Shape of Our Curves. No Matter What the Problem is, there is a solution. Our Bodies as Our Temples We are told we should treat our body well and we will feel mentally well. However, the opposite is true as well. Our bodies, minds, and emotions all feed…

  • Therapy

    Why mindfulness matters

    Hi and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and welcome to bitesize. Where I will serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In this episode, I will explore why mindfulness matters. That ability to clear one’s own mind, to downtime our thought process, to self-care. As a therapist, one of the skills that I often teach my clients is mindfulness. While there are many different definitions of mindfulness, one of the simplest is “being present in the moment without judgement”. Being mindful provides the opportunity to notice what is happening around us and to be aware of our internal response to these events. Mindfulness…

  • Therapy

    Priming: How you should start each day.

      “Priming”: How You Should Start Each Day Do you wake up each morning feeling lethargic, sluggish, overwhelmed, or apathetic about work and the day ahead of you? Or maybe there’s an obstacle that continues to occupy your mind at every moment. Like many people, you want to be focused and feel successful, but no matter how many cups of coffee you drink, you never get to that place where you are saying, “I feel like I can take on anything put in front of me.” If this sounds familiar, it may be time for you to discover the power of priming. This is based on an article written by…

  • Therapy

    Don’t let your worst, take away your best

    Hi and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and welcome to bitesize. Where we serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In this series, we will be making the statement that: Don’t let your worst take away your best. Sometimes we let out negative little voices in our heads to overpower those positive parts of us. So what can we do?   The Best Of You Is Still Inside Your inner voice is your “protector”.  Your inner voice is your best friend with your best interest at heart. Yet, there are times where your inner voice turns critical – to the point where you…

  • Hypnotherapy,  Therapy

    Everything is going to be ok.

    Hi and welcome back. I am Darryl and welcome to McCullagh Therapy and welcome to bitesize. Where we serve up bite-sized portions of inspiration, knowledge, and insight! In this series, I am just going to tell you that everything is going to be ok. Amid life’s chaos, there’s a calming secret passed down from generation to generation, and it’s pretty simple: “Everything is going to be ok.” For many years as a therapist, I’ve been like a time traveller, hopping through different eras of people’s soul stories. And no matter the story or situation, I recognise the same thing for most of my clients: “You’re where you need to be,…

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